Thursday, March 17, 2011

Randwick Park School - Christchurch Earthquake Appeal - Red & Black Day

1 comment:

  1. Dear Room 21

    We are a Year 3/4 class at Rolleston School. Thank you for the video and for supporting Christchurch. We are still getting aftershocks and feeling a little bit scared. We think sometimes now that we are use to them we can describe them a roller coaster ride or surfing. The other morning at 3am we had a 5.3 which was centered in Rolleston and woke most of us up, it built up like the 7.1 and you could hear the rumble coming first. It sounded like a herd of elephants coming up our deck. We loved how you show interesting stuff in your video. We liked your funky dance moves and the sprinkler. At the end we really loved how you said we love Chch using people.

    Love 8B4 and Miss McLaughlan
